23 abril 2008

Hot Rod Gang.

Película de 1958 que se caracteriza por su buen rock and roll a cargo de Gene Vincent, en una de sus primeras actuaciones como actor, y The Blue Caps.
Hot Rods, policías, peleas y baile sexy a cargo de Kay Wheeler al son de “Rock n Bop."
Y que decir del cartel..., una obra de arte vintage and teenage.A destacar a la dama de rojo con los pechos atómicos.

Gene Vincent - Baby blue 1958
Film of 1958 which is characterized by its good rock and roll headed by Gene Vincent, one of his first performances as an actor, and The Blue Caps. Hot Rods, police, fights and sexy dancing by Kay Wheeler is the "Rock n Bop." And to say the cartel's artwork and vintage teenage. A highlight to the lady in red with atomic breasts.

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