Siguiendo con el tema de Steve McQueen,no podre olvidar aquella peli donde conducía aquel precioso Mustang GT390 verde por las calles de San Francisco,la peli en si no valía mucho,ya que el argumento no se sostenía por ningún lado,la peli estaba hecha a medida de McQueen,para que se luciese,a mi solo con eso me basta,no me cansare de repetir,que grande!!

Continuing with the theme of Steve McQueen, you can not forget that movie where he led that precious green Mustang GT390 through the streets of San Francisco, the movie itself is not worth much, because the argument was not claimed by any side, the movie was made Tailor-made McQueen, to be luciese, I just I just I do not tire of repeating, that big!
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