ChopperON es una revista online totalmente gratixx,acaba de salir el numero 5,es de un buen amigo,un tio de los que ya no quedan y eso se nota en su revista, ChopperON es una revista de gran calidad,lo mejor es que participamos un buen grupo de amigos,donde cada uno pone su granito de arena,pero el Boss es Mahou,una revista ideal para los amantes del Kustom Kulture,clasicas,Cafe Racer......la verdad es que abarca muchos temas interesantes,una joya,disfrutula.
ChopperON is an online magazine gratixx entirely, leaving just the number 5, is a good friend, an uncle of which there are no more and it shows in his magazine, ChopperON is a journal of high quality, the best thing is that we participate a good group of friends, where everyone puts their bit, but the Boss is Mahou, a magazine ideal for lovers of Kustom Kulture, classic, Cafe Racer ...... the truth is that it covers many interesting topics, a jewel, enjoy!!!
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