La GS1200SS son de aquellas motos que algunos como yo nos gustan,nos recuerdan aquellas deportivas con garra como la GSX1100R y la GSX750R de la época de nuestra adolescencia,además recuerda a las motos de los malos nuy malos de Mad Max,la GS de Suzuki es una Sport de pega, ya que la base de esta preciosa moto es el de la GSX 1200 inazuma,pero aun así mola,lastima no ser japones ya que esta moto solo la puedes encontrar en el mercado japones,se fabrico en el 2001 al 2002,pero no estoy seguro si el 2002 fue su ultimo año,se que la roja y la negra son modelos 2001 y la azul es modelo 2002.

The GS1200SS are some of those bikes and I like them, remind us of those sports as punchy GSX1100R and GSX750R of the time of our adolescence also reminded bikes nuy ill ill Mad Max, Suzuki GS Sport is one of sticks, as the basis of this beautiful bike is the GSX 1200 inazuma, but still cool, not be hurt because the Japanese motorcycle can be found only in the Japanese market, was manufactured in 2001 andalusia 2002, but I'm not sure if 2002 was his last year, the red and black models 2001 and 2002 model is blue.
Is anybody in Europe GS12000SS? - sometimes I'm so alone :)
sorry but not really Bandit, the frame is the same as the gsx 1200 inazuma. Is better to say that is the retro racer version of GSX1200 with better components.
ResponderEliminarbaowah,is absolutely right, thanks for your contribution.
ResponderEliminarA greeting.