Seguro que habéis visto infinidad de veces, al menos los que frecuentáis el mundillo Biker,” lo del 1%”. Se suele ver entre la gente de MC’s, se ve en algunas chupas, en chalecos, parches, adhesivos, carteles, etc…, e imagino que la gran mayoría ya sabréis lo que significa y su procedencia, no obstante yo no lo tuve tan claro desde el principio. Hace ya muchos años cuando preguntaba por ello a algún motorista más curtido que yo, sólo me contestaban vagamente: ya sabes, lo de Hollister y todo eso….., y se quedaban más anchos que largos, mientras que yo, con mi mejor cara de pardillo decía : Ah si,…Claro… y me quedaba igual que estaba. Tiempo después pude comprobar que no todo el mundo sabe tanto como parece. Para que no os pase lo mismo, aunque no creo porque ahora el personal esta muy “enterao”, voy a tratar de contar, partiendo de un artículo de Ted Polhemus, de la forma más clara posible, la historia de uno de los símbolos clásicos del motociclismo de los últimos 50 años.
Aunque la motocicleta moderna tiene ya más de 100 años de historia, a las modernas bandas de motoristas les ha bastado la mitad de este tiempo para ingresar en la mitología y generar un enorme e intenso caudal iconográfico.
Bien, retrocedamos ahora en el tiempo hasta julio de 1947, la localidad rural de Hollister en California, se disponía a acoger una reunión de motoristas. En principio la idea era congregar a los corredores de la zona y hacer algunas competiciones. Lo que ocurrió allí en vez de eso (o además de eso) fue según la prensa, una invasión de sucios y bárbaros animales que se emborracharon, causaron grandes destrozos y aterrorizaron a los pacíficos ciudadanos (según la prensa). Dicen las crónicas de la época que se reunieron unos 4.000 motoristas que pronto se cansaron de las emociones normales de la moto y se pusieron a hacer cosas mas excitantes, como competir con sus motos por la calle principal, romper cristales y mobiliario urbano. La policía detuvo a muchos por embriaguez y exhibicionismo.

Las fotografías que acompañaban algunos de estos artículos, como la portada de la revista LIFE del 21 de julio de 1947, estremecieron a la América decente y temerosa de Dios, con imágenes de bárbaros, alborotadores y bebedores de cerveza, dignas de la peor pesadilla. Con el tiempo también se supo que algunas de estas fotografías fueron un montaje sensacionalista. Ya era bastante malo que semejantes personajes merodearan por las ciudades, pero su gran movilidad y afán de viajar desde las urbes a pequeños pueblos no dejaba de causar escalofríos.

Pero si toda América quedó conmocionada con el incidente de Hollister, los respetables miembros de la American Motorcycle Association (AMA) estaban desesperados. De la noche a la mañana la imagen de deportista sano que tenía elmotociclista había sido sustituida por la del bebedor degenerado y camorrista. En un intento de salvar su imagen, los dirigentes de la AMA empezaron a bombardear urgentemente a la prensa con cartas de disculpa, como la de Paul Brokaw, editor de The Motorcyclist :……Lamentamos tener que reconocer que hubo disturbios en Hollister; no se trató de 4.000 motoristas sino de un pequeño porcentaje de ellos, ayudados por un grupo mucho mayor de agitadores no motoristas con mentalidad mercenaria. ….

En respuesta a una llamada de la liga de Ciudades de California para prohibir todas las reuniones de motoristas, la AMA emitió un comunicado en el que decía que “losgamberros eran probablemente el 1% de todos los motoristas.
Sólo un 1% son maleantes y camorristas”. De este modo la defensa de la AMA, convirtió en mito aquello que precisamente intentaba erradicar. El efecto fue el de unir a todas aquellas bandas de motoristas dispersas, que peleaban unas contra otras. Así grupos como los Gypsi Jockers, Road Rats, Satan’s Slaves, Pissed Off Bastards y Booze Fighters, que más tarde dieron origen a Hell’s Angels, se reagruparon oficialmente bajo la divisa “ 1% “ convirtiéndose así en una fuerza unida, opuesta a la AMA y a la recatada moral de la época.
Bueno, espero que tras esta breve exposición de una parte de la historia forjada porlos bikers americanos, cuando veáis la divisa de el 1%, sepáis de que va la fiesta. Este es sólo el origen de la divisa, pero la leyenda ha seguido creciendo con el tiempo, y quizá el grupo que ha portado este estandarte con mayor proyección ha sido Hell’s Angels, que aunque no fue el primero (nacieron en Fontana, California en 1948 de la escisión de alguno de los miembros fundadores de Pissed Off Bastards y Booze fighters, 1946) sí es el más numeroso y el más universalmente conocido, contando con capítulos y miembros en multitud de países.
Aunque en todo este tiempo transcurrido, el mito también ha sido alimentado por muchos cronistas y plumillas de tres al cuarto, que como ya ocurrió en el 47’ se han dedicado a exagerar, inventar e intoxicar; cargando con saña contra le gente de la oto y disparando, desde el desconocimiento, sus emponzoñados dardos hacia el que parece ser uno de sus blancos favoritos: los motoristas.
Jota Ele.5 de octubre de 2003
Gracias Saza
Surely you have seen many times, at least those Biker frecuentáis the world, "the 1%." It is often found among people of MC's, is in some suck, in vests, patches, stickers, posters, etc ..., and I imagine that the vast majority and you will know what it means and its origin, however I had not so clear from the outset. Many years ago when asked why some tanning engines that I only vaguely answered me: you know, rioja Hollister and all that ... .. and were wider than long, whereas I, with my best side of pardillo said: Oh yes, of course ... ... and I was like it was. Some time later I could see that not everyone knows as much as it seems. For that you do not pass the same, although I do not think that now the staff is very "enterao" I will try to count, from an article by Ted Polhemus, as clearly as possible the history of one of the classic symbols motorcycle for the past 50 years. Although the modern motorcycle is over 100 years of history, to modern bands they have enough riders half this time to join the mythology and generate a huge flow and intense iconography. Okay, now back in time to July 1947, the rural town of Hollister in California, was preparing to host a reunion of motorists. In principle the idea was to bring together runners from the area and do some competitions. What happened there at that time (or besides) was according to the press, an invasion of barbarians and dirty animals that got drunk, caused widespread destruction and terrorizing the peaceful citizens (according to the press). They say the chronicles of the time, met some 4,000 riders who soon grew tired of the normal emotions of the bike and started doing things more exciting, and compete with their bikes down the main street, breaking windows and furniture. The police arrested many for drunkenness and indecent exposure.
After two days the riders will be dismissed with a cavalier explanation: "We like to attract attention. It is very fun. " Time after it was learned that it was not for both, there were arrests, fines and limited as 90 days for indecent exposure, and only 50 minor injuries. After the incident, many articles appeared sensational with many "additions" of fiction, some of which inspired one of the most influential films sociocultural level of all time, Wild (1954) Laslo Benedek, starring Marlon Brando. The photographs that accompanied some of these articles, as the cover of Life magazine's July 21, 1947, shook the American decent and God-fearing, with images of barbarians, troublemakers and beer drinkers, worthy of the worst nightmare. With time also learned that some of these pictures were a sensational assembly. It was bad enough that such characters roam the cities, but their high mobility and the desire to travel from cities to small towns did not stop cause chills.
Menuda should mount those "trunks", eh?, I would have liked to be there, (you know). And as the first "fat" that armed motorcyclists, and the facts had great media coverage, they left in fear of that society bienpensante of the late 40 '. But if all of America was shocked with the incident in Hollister, the respectable members of the American Motorcycle Association (AMA) were desperate. From overnight image of healthy athlete who had elmotociclista was replaced by the degenerated drinker and hooligan. In an attempt to salvage its image, the leaders of the AMA urgently began to bombard the press with letters of apology, as Paul Brokaw, editor of The Motorcyclist ... ... We regret to acknowledge that there were riots in Hollister, not 4000 bikers tried to but a small percentage of them, aided by a much larger group of agitators with motorists not mercenary mentality. ....
In response to a call from the league of California cities to ban all meetings of riders, the AMA issued a statement saying that "losgamberros were probably 1% of all motorists. Only 1% are thugs and troublemakers. " Thus the defense of the AMA, became a myth that just trying to eradicate. The effect was to unite all the scattered bands of bikers, who fought against each other. Thus groups such as Gypsies Jockers, Road Rats, Satan's Slaves, Pissed Off Bastards and Booze Fighters, who later gave birth to Hell's Angels, officially regrouped under the motto "1%" thus becoming a united force, opposite to the AMA and the demure morality of the time. Well, I hope that after this brief exposure of a part of history shaped by its American bikers, shall see if the currency of the 1%, you know that the party goes. This is just the origin of the currency, but the legend has continued to grow over time, and perhaps the group that has carried the banner with more projection has been Hell's Angels, but that was not the first (born in Fontana, California in 1948 the split of one of the founding members of the Pissed Off Bastards and Booze Fighters, 1946) it is the largest and most universally known, with chapters and members in many countries. Although all this time, the myth has also been fueled by many columnists and three pen nibs andalusia fourth, as happened in the 47 'has been devoted to exaggerate, invent and intoxicating, loading him with brutality against people of the Ottoman and firing, from ignorance, their poisoned darts that seem to be one of his favorite targets: the bikers.
In response to a call from the league of California cities to ban all meetings of riders, the AMA issued a statement saying that "losgamberros were probably 1% of all motorists. Only 1% are thugs and troublemakers. " Thus the defense of the AMA, became a myth that just trying to eradicate. The effect was to unite all the scattered bands of bikers, who fought against each other. Thus groups such as Gypsies Jockers, Road Rats, Satan's Slaves, Pissed Off Bastards and Booze Fighters, who later gave birth to Hell's Angels, officially regrouped under the motto "1%" thus becoming a united force, opposite to the AMA and the demure morality of the time. Well, I hope that after this brief exposure of a part of history shaped by its American bikers, shall see if the currency of the 1%, you know that the party goes. This is just the origin of the currency, but the legend has continued to grow over time, and perhaps the group that has carried the banner with more projection has been Hell's Angels, but that was not the first (born in Fontana, California in 1948 the split of one of the founding members of the Pissed Off Bastards and Booze Fighters, 1946) it is the largest and most universally known, with chapters and members in many countries. Although all this time, the myth has also been fueled by many columnists and three pen nibs andalusia fourth, as happened in the 47 'has been devoted to exaggerate, invent and intoxicating, loading him with brutality against people of the Ottoman and firing, from ignorance, their poisoned darts that seem to be one of his favorite targets: the bikers.
Thanks Saza
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