Esta es la fantastica T140 de Bill, que ha sido tan amable de enviarnos unas fotos para que podamos apreciar los "sutiles" cambios realizados a un modelo que tenia apariencia "americana" y que en sus manos ha cogido esa esencia rebelde de las cafe racers.
¡Claro que si Bill!. Este tipo de modelos ó se mantienen originales, pero de punta en blanco, ó se cafetean.
Animo en la busca de tu asiento perfecto y avisa en cuanto lo tengas.
Un saludo desde 8negro y gracias por compartir tu joya con todos nosotros.

"Hi 8negro,
I have had the T140e Bonnie for just over a year now. I use a Ducati Monster 600 for daily travel and was looking for something a bit more special for low flying at the weekends. I was considering a modern naked, such as a Honda Hornet or Ducati Sport when a friend of mine suggested the Bonnie.
I have to say I loved the bike immediatley even with it's US high bars and ropey overall tidy but used condition. So, starting with the bars I gradually changed it into a Cafe racer. This included alloy wheels, Norman Hyde rear sets, Tommaselli Clip-ons and head lamp ears. All nut's and bolts have been replaced with nice shiney stainless jobs and some new lighweight brake calipers to replace those chunky cast ones from AP Racing.

Internally the gear box has had a rebuild due to the roller bearings self destructing on an ride last year. In addition I had some starting problems that was solved with a Tri-Spark electronic ignition to relace the old Lucas system.
Last task to do is find an appropriate racing seat for the bike but I'm still looking for something I like.

Right now I'm waiting for the weather to pick up so my mate and I can get out and cruise around the cafe's and enjoy the ride. Had one ride a few weeks ago and the bike felt great and well planted with good feedback from the Modern Avons.
I live in the West Midlands UK, about 30 miles from where the Merdien factory was where the bike came from in 1978!".-Bill Bell.
nice bike !
ResponderEliminarHola Trader.
ResponderEliminarMe gustaría, si puede ser, que para los pobres ignorantes que no aprendimos inglés, continuases con la sana costumbre que tenías antes de poner una tradución al español.
Gracias de antemano, Campeador. XD
Hola Campeador.
ResponderEliminarpues claro que seguiré con esa sana costumbre, faltaria mas, pero es que la becaria hoy no ha venido de por aquí y he puesto la entrada tal cual me la ha enviado el amigo Bill.
Pero tranquilo que esto no será una costumbre.
Un saludo!!!!
Gracias Trader y no te pases con la becaria, que bastante tiene la pobre....
ResponderEliminarPor cierto, que hace tiempo que no te lo digo. Sigue así tio, tu blog es como un vicio, si no le echo un vistazo todos los días, me siento que te defraudo.Je. Je.
Es C-O-J-O-N-U-D-O