06 agosto 2010

BSA A 10 BOBBER 1954 by Alberto Venezia.

Gracias a Alberto Venezia por enviarnos las fotos de su magnifica BSA.
Alberto, esperemos que algún dia tomemos una cerveza en tu bar.
Un saludo!!!

I built this amazing bike last year with my friend italian bikes builder Lorenzo BCC from jesolo beach. I buy for 4.500 € and i spend only 3.000€. We modified only frame on back, make rigid.
We handmade handlebar and change carburator, right now there's a mikuni.
Seat are Bates. tires Avon.
All parts are original.
Tank is an original Bsa tank, i found on ebay many months, and at the end SURPRISE! ...i have this tank on the wall on my bikers bar ! Ah ah ah
BSA A10 BOBBER 1954 650cc
Ah...see you soon !"-Alberto.

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